
A young man now lies in a coffin and leaves his wife a widow and  young children unfathered.He will never get to see his children grow up and become important people in the society.He will never be able to see them make mistakes and have an opptortunity to correct them.He won’t be able to physically  walk his daughter down the aisle when she is ripe for marriage. His right to be a father and husband has been taken away by people who believe that the power of someones life is in their hands.

It makes you wonder what goes on in the mind of a killer.Dont they have a conscience?What is more important than life itself that communication cannot solve.

I watched the news and saw his wife.I cannot tell what she feels because i have never been down that road before.All i know is that she’s angry.She has a right to be. I admire her strength and optism.I would advice her to trust in God with everything she has and not the system that doesnt give a fuck about anyone’s feelings.People who are so hypocritical and have no dignity. Cowards before the eyes of everyone else  .People who care about themselves,their families and power.The same who lie about giving justice to those murdered by people that are known by the nation. I mean were Jacob Jumas killers ever brought to justice or did his murder become a cold case?

Our God is definately a God of vengence and though shall not touch His annointed ones.I know He will fight for them.I know justice will prevail.I know they will find peace and comfort in Him something no man can give.I know my faith at best is weak but i am a believer.I believe Musandos family will one day be in a better place than they are now.And that he will rest in peace after justice has been served.

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